
Skincare Oils


The benefits of skincare oils have been known for centuries, but they've grown in popularity in recent years as people of all ages and skintypes rediscover their skin-enhancing qualities.

Softening skin. Locking in moisture. Smoothing wrinkles. Greater flexibility and suppleness. Soothing for dry spots or irritation. Pore cleansing. These are just a few of the benefits.

We love our oils as a daily regimen for face, but they're also great for body, nails, and hair - adding to or replacing body lotion, softening cuticles, and softening split ends and boosting shine.



All of our oils are 100% natural plant seed oils and thereby gentle enough for most complexions. That said, understanding how each oil's fatty acid composition may work with your skintype can be a helpful place to start.

An easy guideline for identifying the right oil for your complexion is to look at oleic vs. linoleic acid (Omega-9 and Omega-3, respectively):

Oleic-acid-rich products tend to be slightly heavier and more moisturizing - great for dry, normal and mature complexions or days where you need a little extra moisture. It also works great for general maintenance of hands, feet and body. For this, we recommend Moringa

Linoleic acid is often what is out of balance in acne-prone and oily complexions, so the right oil can provide a great boost in restoring balance. Those oils also offer a slightly lighter weight for use on finer hair, in humid climates, or for general daily maintenance. For this, we recommend Passionflower and Wild African Calabash.

For more detailed information on our oils, you can check out our selection guide or our shop.


Unlike synthetic moisturizers, 100% natural plant oils can absorb fully into the skin, allowing full access to their antioxidant and emollient properties. Conventional skincare products may contain minimal amounts of their active ingredients, diluted by lots of fillers and other inactive components that offer few-to-no benefits to skin. We offer our oils in 100% pure format so you can use them alone or with other products, but you always know how much you're getting of the best-quality ingredients.